#1501 Small Chinese Nodding Figure, circa 1950s
Only 1 left in stockA small, hand painted pottery nodding figure of a boy holding a drum and clothed in "Ethnic Minority" costume. This novelty item was made in China for export in the early years of the Peoples Republic, probably during the 1950s.
Condition: very good, with only minor paint loss to the head band of his cap.
8.5 cm (3.3 inches) high.
#1593 Carved Bone Abacus from China, 1953 or earlier
Only 1 left in stockA rare carved bone abacus with an integral reverse glass painting depicting four boys, in a garden setting, peering nto a large fish bowl.
There is an added inscritpion carved into one side recording that this item was given as a gift in Hong Kong in 1953.
Condition; very good - no damages or losses.
11.5cm (4.5 inches) long; 5.5cm (2.2 inches) wide; 1.5cm deep.
#1726 Chinese Religious Painting on Paper by Li Tian Duo, 19th or early 20th Century **Sold** to Hong Kong June 2018
Only 1 left in stockA framed Christian religious painting of Mary with a winged angel bearing the signature and seal mark of Li Tian Duo. This item was painted in China during the either the late Qing or early Republic period.
The early 20th Century frame is age worn but the painting is in excellent condition with no stains or damages.
Frame; 50 cm x 32cm
#0750 Republic Period Birthday Bowl Chen Zhao Ying dated 1946 **Sold to China - March 2016 售至中国 - 2016 年3月
Only 1 left in stockA rare "famille rose" dragon and phoenix decorated bowl with an inscription dedicating it as a 60th birthday gift from Ma Tao Yu to Xiong Gong - otherwise known as Chen Zhao Ying (1888-1977), who was a senior military leader of the Guo Min-dang (Kuomintang) between the years 1911 to 1932 and who was very close to Sun Zhong-shan and Jiǎng Jièshí (Chiang Kai-shek). From 1944 to 1948, Chen Zhao Ying was the chief of the Jiangxi Province Guo Min-dang Party committee and the minister of Audit for Anhui and Jiangxi Provinces. The bowl, dedicated as an advance birthday gift, is dated Autumn, 1946.
Condition - excellent - no damages and no restoration.
12.4cm (4.8 inches) diameter.
1946年 民国 龙凤团纹祝寿碗 一件粉彩龙凤团纹祝寿碗。为一名为马陶余的同乡晚辈送与时任皖赣监察使的陈肇英60大寿之礼。上书:“雄公监察使六秩华诞誌庆”、“寿世寿心”、“乡晚马陶余敬献——丙戌年秋月“。 品相:完好。无损伤,无修复。直径12.4厘米。 注:陈 肇英(1888—1977),字雄夫,浙江浦江古塘村人。浙江省浦江县中山中学创办人。 辛亥革命时,参加浙联军光复南京战役。1916年,发动浙江独立,反对袁世凯和浙江都督朱瑞,并赴上海见孙中山。1918年,通电拥护西南护法政府,任援 闽浙军第一师中将师长兼前敌总指挥。次年,与蒋介石结为把兄弟。1922年,任以孙中山为非常大总统的护法政府参谋。1926年1月,被选为中国国民党第 二届中央执行委员会候补委员。蒋介石四一二反革命政变后,递补为国民党中央执行委员,连任至第六届。1928年起,任国民政府立法院立法委员,后兼立法院 军事委员会委员长。1934—1942年间,任闽浙监察使。1935年起,兼任中国国民党福建省党部主任委员。1944年,改任中国国民党江西省党部主任 委员、皖赣监察使。1948年任监察院监察委员。1949年6月去台湾,曾兼任中国国民党中央纪律委员会委员、中央评议委员等。著有《八十自述》。