Porcelain 瓷器
#0783 Early 19th Century Famille Rose Vase Jiaqing 1795-1820 **SOLD** 2018
Only 1 left in stockAn eight-sided vase very finely decorated with famille rose / fencai enamels. This item was made in China, during the reign of the Jiaqing emperor (1795-1820).
Condition - excellent - no damages and no restoration.
31.4cm (12.3inches) high. 19世纪早期 精美的粉彩八方双耳人物瓶 约1795-1820
一件精美的粉彩八方大瓶。作于嘉庆年间,约为1795-1820年间。 品相:完好。无损伤,无修复。高31.4厘米。 -
#0724 Chinese Famille Rose Yen Yen Vase, Yongzheng (1723-1736) ** Sold** to Canada September 2014 售至加拿大 - 2014年9月
Only 1 left in stockA rare, large, early 18th Century "Yen Yen" vase finely painted with thick Famille Rose / Fencai enamels depicting scenes from the Daoist legend of Xi Wang Mu. This item was made in China during the reign of the Yongzheng emperor (1723-1736). For many additional pictures please view item #0724 at our Liverpool shop website at 69aliverpool.co.uk.Condition - there is excellent restoration and overspraying to an area on the rim (please view enlargement 8) which conceals two adjacent 1cm rim chips; there are no associated hairline cracks. There are also extensive losses to the light green enamel decoration (see enlargements 10 and 12). 44.5cm (17.5 inches)high. Weight 4kg (8lb 13oz).清雍正 44厘米高西王母出行图粉彩人物凤尾尊
品相:口沿有两处连在一起的各约1厘米见长的磕口,已经过专业修复且上过一层透明漆(见图8),无冲缝。绿色釉面多有脱落(见图10和图12)。高44.5厘米,重4公斤。 -
#1505 Rare Chinese Export Porcelain Plate, Kangxi Mark and Period (1662-1722) **SOLD** 2018
Only 2 left in stockA porcelain plate painted in shades of under glaze cobalt blue, in traditional Chinese taste, depicting two ducks swimming on a pond surrounded with aquatic plants. On the base is a six character reign mark of the Kangxi emperor within a double circle which reads "Da Qing Kang Xi Nian Zhi" ("Great Qing Kang Xi Year Made).
This plate was made in the late 17th Century, circa 1690, during the reign of the Kangxi emperor (1662-1722). Unusually for a 'Mark and Period' piece this plate is a European shape and was probably made for export.
A similar plate is to be found in the 1997 catalogue of S. Marchant & Son, Kensington Church Street, London W8.
Condition: there is an 8mm chip and a number of small to tiny chips on the rim; there are no cracks and there have been no repairs or restoration.
21cm (8.25 inches) diameter.
#1508 Blue & White Chinese Export Porcelain Tea Cannister, Qianlong Reign (1736 - 1795) **SOLD** 2017
Only 1 left in stockA European shape porcelain tea caddy painted in underglaze blue depicting houses and pavillions in a river landscape. This item was made in Jingdezhen (southern China) for export to Europe, circa 1775, during the reign of the Qianlong emperor.
For a similar example please see John Ayers "The Chinese Porcelain Collection of Marie Vergottis", page 76.
Condition: the cover is missing; there is a small chip to the rim with two associated old, light, hairlines which extend about 6 mm down the neck; no further damages and no restoration.
11 cm (4.5 inches) high; 11.3 cm (3.5 inches) wide; 3.7 cm (1.5 inches) deep.
#1510 Rare Chinese Export Porcelain Plate, Kangxi Mark and Period (1662-1722) **SOLD** May 2019
Only 1 left in stockA porcelain plate painted in shades of under glaze cobalt blue, in traditional Chinese taste, depicting two ducks swimming on a pond surrounded with aquatic plants. On the base is a six character reign mark of the Kangxi emperor within a double circle which reads "Da Qing Kang Xi Nian Zhi" ("Great Qing Kang Xi Year Made).
This plate was made in the late 17th Century, circa 1690, during the reign of the Kangxi emperor (1662-1722). Unusually for a 'Mark and Period' piece this plate is a European shape and was probably made for export.
A similar plate is to be found in the 1997 catalogue of S. Marchant & Son, Kensington Church Street, London W8.
Condition: Excellent - no damages and no restoration
21cm (8.25 inches) diameter.
#1523 Small Blue & White Chinese Porcelain Jar ( Kangxi Mark), circa 1900 Sold in our Liverpool shop - June 2018 / 利物浦店内售出 - 2018年6月
Only 1 left in stockA small porcelain vase or jar painted in under glaze blue (in 17th / 18th Century Kangxi style) with a scene from the epic historical novel the "San Guo Zhi Yan Yi" (the Romance of the Three Kingdoms). The base carries the four character reign mark of the Kangxi emperor (1662-1722) but this item was made later, for export, during the late 19th or early 20th Century.
Condition: there is a light star crack to the body which we discovered after listing on Trocadero (it is clearly visible on one of the enlargements at our liverpool shop website); there are glaze imperfections and a minute chip to the inside of the rim. No further damages and no repairs. It is without it's original cover. 9cm (3.5 inches) high.
#0007 Rare Imperial Green & Aubergine Dragon Bowl Kangxi (1662-1722) **SOLD** to China - - October 2010 售至中国 - 2010年10月
Only 1 left in stockA rare Imperial Chinese porcelain bowl. White glazed on the interior, the exterior is finely incised with two five clawed dragons in pursuit of pearls over waves and amongst flames and clouds; the outside is painted with contrasting apple green and aubergine enamels - a combination which was often used for imperial table sets. The base carries the six character reign mark of the Kangxi emperor within a double ring and this item was made within his reign (1662-1722). (For similar ref. - Sotheby's (London) 12 July 2006, lot no. 119.
Condition - there are five short,mostly very light, hairlines to the rim (the longest being approx 0.8 cm);there are no chips and there has been no restoration.
5.6cm (2.25 inches) high; 11cm (4.3 inches) diameter.
#0692 Famille Rose Chinese Export Tea Cannister c1796-1820 **SOLD** Sold through our Liverpool shop, February 2017
Only 1 left in stockA very attractive tea cannister finely decorated with famille rose enamels and made for export to Europe in the early 19th Century, probably during the reign of the Jiaqing emperor (1796-1820).
Condition: the rim has been proffesionally restored and there is a replacement metal cover. There is a chip to the enamelled footrim and there are minor glaze imperfections and adhesions.
4.5in inches (11cm) High.
品相:口沿有修复,后人以金属罐盖代替了原有的瓷盖。圈足处有一小磕,釉面略有缺陷。高11厘米。 -
#0101 Chinese 17th Century Transitional Style Garlic Necked Vase **Price on Request**
Only 1 left in stockA very finely painted 'soft-paste' porcelain, 17th Century "Transitional" style, garlic necked vase depicting a scene from the historical epic novel "San Guo Zhi Yan Yi" (Romance of the Three Kingdoms) attributed to the 14th Century novelist Luo Guanzhong. The courageous General Zhao Zilong is shown saving Ah Dou, the baby son of Liu Bei, during the war against the wicked General Cao Cao in which the child's mother died - he rescues the child and places him between his chest and armoured breast plate and rides away.
This item was possibly made in Zhangzhou, Fujian province, southern China, during the mid 17th Century.
Condition - excellent - no damages and no restoration.
24cm (9.6 inches ) high.
#0833 Inscribed Chinese Porcelain Boys Snuff Bottle date 1907 **Sold** in our Liverpool shop - June 2018 / 利物浦店内售出 - 2018年6月
Only 1 left in stockA Chinese porcelain snuff bottle, attractively painted in underglaze blue and red , with a Ming dynasty style scene depicting many boys at play. The green stone stopper has an ivory spatula. The cyclically dated iron red inscription can be translated as "Year of Ding Wei (1907 or possibly 1847), for my snuff taking 'elder brother's' appreciation; presented by your snuff taking 'younger brother' Ya Quan".
Condition: there is a long, stable, light hairline crack running down one side; no further damages and no restoration.
#0470 Late Ming Blue White Boys Jar Wanli Tianqi c 1610-1625 **Sold**
Only 1 left in stockA rare late Ming Dynasty thickly potted jar decorated in underglaze blue with a key-fret pattern around the neck; on the shoulder a Kraak style diaper pattern encloses four circular panels, each containing a fruiting peach branch; above the foot are stylized breaking waves; the large central area is painted on each side with nine boys, at leisure, in a garden setting. "Hundred Boys" jars with very similar decoration are to be found dating to the Jiajing reign (1522-1566) but this jar was made later, probably for export, circa 1610-1625 during the reign of either the Wanli or the Tianqi emperor.
Condition - there is fritting (production glaze loss) to the rim and there are chips to the foot rim; there are two cracks to the rim which are probably firing (production) cracks and there are various cracks and glaze imperfections to the body but there are no repairs and there has been no restoration.
19cm (7.5inches) high; 19cm (7.5inches) diameter. Weight - 1.5kg (3lb 5oz).明晚期 青花童子罐 明万历/天启 约1610-1625 一件明晚期青花童子罐。胎体细
腻厚重,罐口一圈回字纹,肩部“克拉克”风格的开光装饰由四 个菱形花纹和四个花果枝叶交替组成,足部则是一圈海水纹。主体部分两面各有九个童子在花园里戏耍。类似装饰风格的”百子罐“可见于明嘉靖时期 (1522-1566),但此罐稍晚,应为外销品,作于约1610-1625明万历/天启年间。 品相:口沿有毛口,圈足有小磕。口沿另有两道冲,或为烧造过程中所致。罐身部分有不同程度的冲缝和釉面缺陷,但无修补或修复。 高19厘米,直径19厘米。重1.5公斤。
#1541 Chinese Porcelain Vase, Qianlong Mark, Republic Period (1911-1949) **SOLD** April 2017
Only 1 left in stockA small Chinese porcelain vase delicately painted in 'Famille Rose' enamels with a scene depicting a lady in a garden setting and with an accompanying poem.
The base carries an iron red four character Qianlong (1736 - 1795) reign mark but this vase was made later, in the early 20th Century, during the Republic period.
Condition: excellent - no damages and no restoration. 8cm (3.15 inches) high.